ReCharge Wednesdays, flag football and Punt, Pass & Kick

The Jefferson park and recreation department will once again offer ReCharge Wednesdays thanks to generous sponsorship by the providers of McFarland Clinic-Jefferson.
ReCharge Wednesdays meets every Wednesday afternoon from 2:15 to 3:30 pm at the Greene County Community Center. The program is open to students in grades 1-8. The younger students are met by JPRD staff at the middle school bus drop-off and escorted to the community center.
Participants play organized group activities indoors or outside, depending on the weather, and they also have a healthy snack. The class helps children learn to make healthy choices in what they eat and they activities they choose. There is no charge to families.
Recharge Wednesday begins Sept. 2. The program does not meet when school is not in session or dismisses early due to weather. Children must be registered to attend. For a registration form, click here: Recharge Wednesday
Flag football – Registrations are now being accepted for JPRD’s flag football program for boys and girls in grades 1-3. Flag football will meet Mondays, Sept. 14 through Oct. 5, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm at Kelso park. JPRD staff and volunteer coaches will teach youngsters the fundamentals and rules of football, as well as coordination and playing as part of a team. Mouth pieces are required. There is a $20 charge that includes the price of a T-shirt.
Registration deadline is Sept. 4. For a registration form, click here: JPRD flag football
JPRD will host a local NFL Punt, Pass & Kick contest Monday, Sept. 21, at Kelso park. (Rain date is Sept. 28.) Check-in begins at 6:30 pm, with the competition starting at 6:45. Punt, Pass & Kick is open to boys and girls ages 6-15 (born between 2000 and 2009). There is no charge to compete.
Two forms are required for registration – a JPRD waiver and the NFL entry form and release of liability. For both forms, click here: Punt, Pass & Kick